Chasing the Stars Reviews

testimonial icon_purple“A cozy romance novel for young adults to enjoy, Chasing the Stars is as much a coming-of-age story as a tale of star-crossed lovers. The protagonists are witty, confident, and focused on their careers and their families to the point where they are sometimes willing to sacrifice their own desires. Author Melanie Hooyenga tells a charming love story full of heart, humor, and warmth that makes the narrative a breeze to go through. Both Naomi and Hunter have likable personalities, and their palpable chemistry makes you want to see them end up together. Even their respective siblings, Theo and Melody, charm their way into your hearts and make for an entertaining dynamic you can’t help but enjoy. Recommended to young adult romance lovers.”

Readers’ Favorite

testimonial icon_purple“CHASING THE STARS is a sweet coming of age contemporary romance that features two teens trying to get a handle on their lives. With their crazy families and unknown futures to consider, a relationship sounds like too much to juggle for both Hunter and Naomi. But surrounded by the beauty of nature makes it hard to focus on the bad, especially when Naomi’s thing is to find the good.”

YA Books Central

testimonial icon_purple“Both Naomi and Hunter have plenty to figure out for themselves, even without adding the potential of romance to the mix, so their initial reluctance to see where this mutual attraction may lead is understandable. But they have a team of wingmen (wing-siblings?) rooting for them, which is equally awesome, awkward, and slightly terrifying.

Regina, Goodreads review

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