Getting to Know Anna B. Doe

Please help me give a big Hoosblog welcome to Anna B. Doe!

I first met Anna in one of the various Facebook writing groups I’m in. I’ve featured her books in my newsletters but this is the first time she’s been here on my blog! I read an advanced copy of her newest novel, RULES, and let me tell you—if you like angst and drama with some steamy romance mixed in, her books are for you! Let’s get down to business.

Anna B. Doe is a young adult and new adult contemporary romance author. She writes real-life romance that is equal parts sweet and sexy. She’s a coffee and chocolate addict. Like her characters, she loves those two things dark, sweet and with little extra spice.

When she’s not working for a living or writing her newest book you can find her reading books or binge-watching TV shows. Originally from Croatia, she is always planning her next trip because wanderlust is in her blood.

She is currently working on various projects. Some more secret than others.

Tell us about your book.

My latest book is called Rules. It’s the final interconnected standalone in my mature YA/NA series called Greyford High. The story follows Brook and Max, the third couple from the main group of friends, during their final year of high school. If you like extremely emotional and angsty romances that touch some real-life subjects, this one’s for you.

Here’s the blurb:

Senior year.
Three girls. Three guys.
Truth and consequence.
Broken trust and shattered hearts.
Lost innocence and new experiences.
One more year before running away.
One more year to save her.
The countdown begins.

When Maximillian Sanders moved to Greyford, he had three goals: mend the broken relationship with his sister, keep her safe, and get into a division one college, playing hockey. There he meets the girl who breaks his heart and turns his world upside down, and it’s her best friend who helps pick up the pieces.

Brook Taylor learned the hard way that in order to survive this ugly world, she needed to live by her own rules. Then she meets Max and for the first time, she’s tempted to break them. He’s off limits, and she has a plan that doesn’t include a hot hockey player.

He says he wants her, but she can see the truth in his eyes. She should have just followed her rules and guarded her heart.

Those three little rules were supposed to save her, until she broke them all.

Order Rules here!

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Now for the fun stuff!

What’s your favorite genre? Do you read what you write?

Yes, I write what I read and more which is a variety of romances, from young adult to adult and from contemporary to fantasy! 

I read mostly contemporary romance, although I love to read a good historical romance or romantic suspense. My favorite tropes are college, sports, enemies-to-lovers and single parent romances. Occasionally, I love to indulge in a good fantasy or paranormal romance, although not as much as I used to when I was younger.

You sound a lot like me. I primarily stick to what I write, but I branch out every now and then.

What’s your favorite part about writing?

Getting to experience (in a way) things I might not get to in my real life. I love creating different characters with different histories and things that make them tick. I love to see their view of the world and what kind of choices they will make and where those choices will take them.

I hadn’t really thought about it that way before, but that’s so true!

What’s the hardest part of writing for you?

Getting to experience things I might not get to in my real life. Lol It’s hard to write about the things you aren’t familiar with, write in places you haven’t visited, but that is also half the fun.

Another challenge is to write in a language that’s not your native like I do, but it does get easier with time.

I was very surprised when I learned that English isn’t your first language. Your writing is beautiful!

What’s an activity unrelated to writing that you love?

I guess reading is out of the question? I love sleeping, seriously, I LOVE sleeping. Between being a writer and having a day job, I just don’t have enough hours in the day to do all the things I have to do.

I also love traveling. I’m always looking for a new adventure.

I hear you on working two jobs! I’m constantly saying that I need more time in the day.

Who’s your biggest cheerleader?

My friends and family. Especially my friend Nina. I seriously don’t know how I’d do it all without her, she keeps me grounded and makes me move forward even when things get difficult. Books are actually what brought us together. She was a blogger and I reached out to her to beta read my debut novel, and the rest is, as they say, history.

I met my closest friends online too! It’s so great you were able to form that friendship.

Now I’d like to play a fun little game called This or That. As a writer, I find that a lot of interviews ask the same questions, so I always appreciate sharing something new about myself. I’m super excited about these questions—and I hope you enjoy them!

Introvert or extrovert? Introvert.

Morning or night person? Night person.

Coffee or tea? Coffee.

Sweet or salty? Both! Depending on the mood.

Eternal summer or four seasons? Four seasons.

Mountains or beach? Beach.

Dogs or cats? Dogs.

Over 5’5” or under? Over.

Left or right-handed? Right handed.

Hoodie or yoga pants? Is this a trick question? Lol How can one go without the other?

Haha! I ask that question because that’s my preferred outfit while writing.

Thank you so much for doing this interview with me!

Anna, thank you so much for spending this time with me and my readers. Readers, you can find Anna at these links—and be sure to check out Rules!  

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If you missed the previous interviews, you can read them here.

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