Getting to Know Cody Wagner

Please help me give a big Hoosblog welcome to Cody Wagner!

Cody is the award-winning author of LGBTQ+ trilogy, The Gay Teen’s Guide to Defeating a Siren. The series has garnered much acclaim, and is a Readers’ Favorite Book Award Winner, LA Book Festival Award Winner, and New England Book Festival Winner. Book 1 was awarded The National Indie Excellence Award, 1st Place for LGBTQ for Children & Young Adults. Cody believes in his series, which tackles coming out, bullying, math, and sirens with superpowers. The usual stuff. He’s handing out cookie dough to anyone who grabs a copy (okay, maybe not). Cody is currently working on a YA contemporary novel that should be completed this summer (woot!).

Tell us about your book!

My latest book is the third (and final) in the series, The Gay Teen’s Guide to Defeating a Siren.

It’s a YA LGBTQ urban fantasy about a 14-year-old, Blaize Trales, who comes out of the closet and is dragged off to Sanctuary, a horrible pray-away-the-gay boarding school. However, when his parents leave, the school reveals it’s actually a secret refuge for gay teens, and Blaize gets to attend a special gay high school.

Sanctuary also happens to be at war with an enemy straight from Greek mythology.

Between surviving bullies, rescuing students from mysterious attacks, and passing algebra, Blaize’s life is going to get out-of-control crazy.

And freaking dangerous.

Lucky for Blaize, he wields the ultimate weapon – being gay. And he’s pretty good at it.

Buy The Gay Teen’s Guide to Defeating a Siren: The Seeker

Note: this is the first book in a 3-book series and ALL THREE BOOKS are available here.


Now for the fun stuff!

What’s your favorite genre? Do you read what you write?

I love young adult novels, particularly young adult fantasy. I disagree with JK Rowling’s latest TERF sentiments, but Harry Potter was a huge influence on me and my series. I mean, I ugly cried during the last book. My shoulders were shaking and everything.

I also love young adult LGBTQ novels. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe is amazing. Read it. Pleeeeease.

Also, I like to read random genres just to see what they’re up to. For example, I always read cheesy Christmas romance novels over the holidays (Fun fact: there’s one that’s so bad, me and my sister take turns giving it to each other as a gift).

Finally, I have to give a shout-out to adult author, John Irving. He’s the reason I became an author. He’s also the reason I stuck to it. Go John!

I absolutely love that you and your sister keep exchanging the same terrible book. That’s something my husband and his siblings would do. And I love that you read a variety of genres!

What’s your favorite part about writing?

The sole reason I write is to make people feel. So maybe that should be “soul” reason (see what I did there). There’s something so fulfilling about hearing how your book made someone laugh or cry or pump their fists in the air when something amazing happens. The only thing I don’t want people to do when reading my books is vomit.

Vomiting from reading would be quite a deterrent. I always say my favorite part of being an author is hearing from people after they read my books (or even better, WHILE they’re reading them) and it’s because I love to know how I affected them. I hadn’t thought of it in these terms, but yes, it’s the feels!

What’s the hardest part of writing for you?

I’m sure this is a popular answer, but it’s definitely marketing. When I first started writing, I thought it would be 80% writing and 20% marketing. Oh, I was so doe-eyed and naïve. It’s actually 100% writing and 100% marketing.

Marketing just sucks so hard because you don’t know what’s going to work and what isn’t.

I actually started a blog series called Writing vs. Business Manager to address this exact thing. (I stopped because it made me sad.) There is just so much to do.

What’s an activity unrelated to writing that you love?

Oh gosh, there are several. First and foremost, I love podcasting. Me and my cohost have had an LGBTQ paranormal podcast, BSP: Believer Skeptic Podcast, for almost four years now. It’s fun! We discuss weird, unexplained things/creatures/events and then I debunk the crap out of them!

I also have a special place in my heart for long, remote hikes. It’s where I do my best mental writing!

I love that!! The MC in my current wip hosts a podcast! And that sounds like a really fun topic.

Who’s your biggest cheerleader?

Hmmmm I don’t know if I can list just one. Fun history:

Several years ago, I quit my job and took a year’s sabbatical to focus on writing. I essentially left my old life to start anew*. It was risky (and maybe dumb?), but all of my friends and family were super supportive. Most people would have gotten lectures and talks to convince them to go the “safe route”. Not me. Everyone was amazing. So my biggest cheerleader is EVERYONE!

* I said anew.

I realize we don’t know each other, but it makes me happy to know you have so many people encouraging you.


Now I’d like to play a fun little game called This or That. As a writer, I find that a lot of interviews ask the same questions, so I always appreciate sharing something new about myself. I’m super excited about these questions—and I hope you enjoy them!

Introvert or extrovert? I’m actually one of the rarish (is that a word?) extroverted authors. Dun dun dunnnn! So unlike lots of authors, I love the author panels and the events and the talking to people. All that stuff! Except for selling. Selling sucks. I am not a salesperson.

Morning or night person? NIGHT PERSON. Did I stress that enough? [Note from Melanie: Cody wrote night person REALLY BIG in his answers but enlarging text in WordPress is beyond my skill level. So please just pretend.] You know, they say you become more of a morning person as you get older. Nope. Hasn’t happened yet. Maybe one day I’ll hit puberty, and it’ll be on.

Coffee or tea? I am absolutely obsessed with Thai tea. To be honest, I’m obsessed with Thai food in general. I’d eat it every meal, if I could. I suggest it every day. My friends love me.

Sweet or salty? Uhhhh. Up until like a year ago, I would have said sweet. But my boyfriend – a great cook – has turned me on to salty. So, I’d have to say “swalty”. 😊

Eternal summer or four seasons? This is such a great question! I love love love summer. I want to live in the tropics. My hands are always cold, so I have good reason.

Mountains or beach? This is a tough one. I do love hiking in the mountains. But the beach is beautiful and tends to be warmer. So I’d have to say the “beatains”.

Dogs or cats? I like puppies and kittens, but not so much older animals. How terrible is that? I want to start a lease-a-kitten program where you get to lease a kitten, and when your lease it up, the cat goes to a wonderful elderly person who doesn’t want the energy of a kitten.

Was that out loud?

Over 5’5” or under? I’m actually 6’3”, so I’m pretty dang tall.

Left or right-handed? I’m left-handed, yay! However, I do use scissors and a mouse right-handed (and so my right hand is more “precise”, if that makes sense).

Hoodie or yoga pants? Hoodie, for sure! I don’t think I’ve ever tried on yoga pants. But now I kind of want to.

A) I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your willingness to make up words to fit your needs. B) I am so glad we have crossed paths!! I am also an extroverted lefty who loves tea (and Thai food) but I’m also a shorty who needs her seasons.

Anything else you’d like to add?

Thank you so much for having me. It was really mega fun talking about writing and also random stuff. What a great mix of questions! Also, if anyone wants to send me Thai food, I’m waiting.

Cody, thank YOU so much for spending this time with me and my readers. Readers, you can find Cody at these links—and be sure to check out his entire series, including his most recent book, The Gay Teen’s Guide to Defeating a Siren: Sanctuary!   

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Buy Cody’s books:

The Gay Teen’s Guide to Defeating a Siren: The Seeker

The Gay Teen’s Guide to Defeating a Siren: The Siren

The Gay Teen’s Guide to Defeating a Siren: Sanctuary


If you missed the previous interviews, you can read them here.

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