Writerly Spackle

Yesterday I tackled the first of several projects I’ve planned before moving into my new place. My grandmother gave me an ornate mirror years ago, and the genius that was me at twenty-five decided it’d be a good idea to paint it silver. Yeah. The glass broke while it was in storage, so before having …

Do the Right Thing

On my drive to and from work I pass a river that runs through a park. Swans and geese dot the shore, while fishermen, hikers, and the occasional ultimate frisbeer scamper through the long grasses. It’s also a common hangout for cops, so I’m always careful to drive close to the speed limit. Yesterday on …

My Parents are Kicking Me Out!!

*tee hee* Sorry, I never do April Fool’s jokes, and apparently my inability to keep a straight face in real life carries onto the internet as well. I can’t even go two seconds without giggling. No, my parents aren’t kicking me out, but I am one step closer to having my own place. Remember this …

Donde Esta la Biblioteca?

(This was supposed to post in the morning. Sorry about the unplanned change in schedule.) Earlier tonight I joined an already-in-progress Spanish class, where I met a group of very nice people and got to practice my Spanish! I’ve been worried that I’ll lose my fluency the longer I’m away from Spanish speakers, and while …

Everything Old is New Again

When I moved to Mexico FOUR years ago, I packed up the majority of our belongings and shoved them in a storage room in my parents’ garage. Over the past year I’ve worked my way through the boxes, slowly incorporating things from my former life into this new existence. Four years isn’t that long, but …

It’s Been Eleven Months and I’m Already Thinking About Month Twelve

I have several things I’d like to talk about, so today’s post will be a hodge-podge of things. First, I’m glad Friday’s post resounded with so many of you. I kind of figured it would, but what I didn’t expect was the people I consider friends worrying that they’ve somehow offended me. I’m by no …

If I Build It, It Will Come

As you know, I’m living in my parents’ basement, and as you can probably imagine, I’m anxious to get out on my own again. My parents have been wonderful and I’m beyond lucky that they’ve let me live here for the past (egads!) eleven months. That said, I’m getting antsy to have my own place. …

I Love Michigan Winters

I’m sure you all (or some of you) expected me to be grumbling about the cold weather by now, but I love it. Heavy snows Thursday and Friday meant waking up to this Saturday morning. Bliss. Are you enjoying the winter, or are you ready for it to be over already?

Happy Holidays!

We wish you a merry Christmas, We wish you a happy Kwanza (does anyone celebrate that?) We wish you a festive Boxing Day,* And we’ll see you next year! I’m taking a break until the new year so I can spend time with my friends & family (and Owen) and try to finish the first …

Creativity and Inspiration

I’ve done it again. I’ve piled so many projects onto my plate that I find myself staring at the computer screen, unable to work on any of them. I mentioned awhile back that I often treat reading for pleasure as a motivator to get things done, and often don’t allow myself to read until reaching …