Me and OCD

I joke so often about my OCD tendencies that I forget a lot of people probably don’t realize this about me. If you know me at all you’ve probably picked up on some of my quirks, but I’m always surprised when a friend discovers just how ingrained these compulsions are. Some background: I’ve always been …

Grab a Glass…

… because I’m about to start whining. It occurred to me over the weekend that it’s been SIX MONTHS since I started a new project. I spent two months writing Flicker, then another month and a half editing, and since then… well… let’s just say I haven’t been writing. Yes, I outlined books two and …

A Crossroads

I have a confession to make: I still haven’t started the second book in my trilogy. I started my outline a couple weeks ago, then events in my life made me stall on the idea, then I read a couple timely blog posts from agents saying that writing additional books in a series before selling …

Writerly Spackle

Yesterday I tackled the first of several projects I’ve planned before moving into my new place. My grandmother gave me an ornate mirror years ago, and the genius that was me at twenty-five decided it’d be a good idea to paint it silver. Yeah. The glass broke while it was in storage, so before having …

The Name Game

As Juliet said, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet.” Yet we writers place a lot of importance on names. Hours of research can go into finding the name that perfectly captures the time period, ethnicity, class, religion… you get the idea. The general …

Donde Esta la Biblioteca?

(This was supposed to post in the morning. Sorry about the unplanned change in schedule.) Earlier tonight I joined an already-in-progress Spanish class, where I met a group of very nice people and got to practice my Spanish! I’ve been worried that I’ll lose my fluency the longer I’m away from Spanish speakers, and while …

Fracture and Fissure are Born!

How was your weekend? Did you do anything exciting? Aside from enjoying a leisurely four-day weekend that included a yummy dinner with my family, shopping and watching Black Swan with my sister, and lots of play time with Owen, I also Skyped with Erica for an hour and a half and plotted the rest of …


Synopsis [si-nop-sis] a brief or condensed statement giving a general view of some subject. Apparently Webster hasn’t met me. Let’s go with this one instead: Synopsis [si-nop-sis] a brief summary of the plot of a novel, motion picture, play, etc. That’s more like it. ***** An interesting tidbit I picked up during my Weekend of …

Finding My Voice

Don’t forget to leave a comment on Friday’s post to be entered to win a $25 gift card! Comments close Thursday night. I had dinner with a friend last week that I hadn’t seen in quite awhile, and he asked me about my writing. When I told him I’m working on a young adult novel, …