Better Late Than Never

You know the tradition to save the top of your wedding cake to eat on your first anniversary? Ibis and I were good newleyweds and saved the top in my parents’ extra freezer (convenient since the reception was at their house) but then four months later we moved to Mexico. I didn’t think the cake …

What I Did

Thank you to everyone who played along last week when I asked What Would You Do? I have to complain about one thing though — several of you said you’d either call for directions or call your husband, but I didn’t have a phone. That was what made the whole thing SO FUN. 🙂 When …

Thank You, AT&T

For the second time in as many months, AT&T accidentally cut the phone and internet line to my parents’ house. Yesterday. The good news is Owen and I took a nice long walk on the boardwalk last night. Bad news — I feel COMPLETELY cut off from everyone. Gah! Hopefully I’ll be back online tonight.


Imagine this scenario: You’re on your way to your first day of a temporary gig that could turn into “something more” (I feel like a teenager saying that) and suddenly you realize you missed your exit. You plan to take the NEXT exit, but it’s closed. You continue on for DAYS (really about three minutes) …

Licks All Around

Lately lot of people have been wishing me good luck with my interviews (thanks a lot of people!) and somehow Good Luck has mutated into Good Lick. I swear I was not the one who first made that slip of the tongue. I mean… I wasn’t the one who… nevermind. I plead the fifth. Anyway, …

Two Birds

My wip has a pivotal scene that takes place in the local hospital and circumstances have come together that will allow me to do a bit of research: my dad is having knee surgery. I haven’t set foot in this hospital for almost twenty years so my plan is to explore the ER while he’s …

Red Velour Track Suit

While I haven’t been writing much, I’ve been thinking about writing almost constantly. My characters are alive and kicking and just waiting for the moment I can put an obligation or two aside and sit down with them again. (It’s looking like that will happen tomorrow when I have to wait with my dad for …

You Tell Me

As those of you who chat with me on Facebook know, this week has been a bit hectic! When I was querying last summer I didn’t really talk about it on my blog because… well… I just don’t want to put all that out there. By that same token, I don’t like to talk about …